-Anne C. Morgan, Head Curator & Angelina Coble, Education Department
The mission of
the Imperial Valley Desert Museum is to preserve, interpret, and celebrate the
deserts of Southern California.
The new permanent exhibits help visitors understand the cultural and
natural history of the Imperial Valley.
As we finish writing the Museum’s five year strategic plan and partner
with the Kumeyaay Diegueno Land Conservancy, the Museum is actively working on
new ways to connect people to the great outdoors: nature, wildlife, and geology
in all its majesty. Therefore, it seems only natural that the Museum’s staff
should participate in some of the National Park Services’ Centennial
America’s National Parks
Sunset in Mojave National Preserve |
In 1872,
President Ulysses S. Grant signed the first National Park, Yellowstone, into
effect. California’s first
National Parks, Sequoia and Yosemite, were established in 1890. Today America boasts 413 national parks
and preserves, eleven in California!
On August 25, 2016 the National Parks Service, which manages all the
national parks, monuments, and historic sites, celebrated its 100 year
anniversary. You have probably
heard about the NPS’ year long celebration through online campaigns like
#FindYourPark or tv commercials encouraging people to get out and enjoy the
parks. Did you know that within six hours drive of the Imperial Valley you can
get to three National Parks? Joshua Tree National Park, Mojave National
Preserve, and Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument- the first national
monument to be specifically dedicated to the preservation and scientific study
of Ice Age fossils!
The Centennial
Celebration is not only looking back at the accomplishments of the last 100
years. It is also looking forward to “a second century of stewardship for
America’s national parks” through community engagement, recreation,
conservation, and preservation. This past weekend three staff members and two Museum Board
members were invited to attend a Star Party and Centennial Celebration in the Mojave
National Preserve by David Lamfrom, President of the Mojave National Preserve
Conservancy’s Board of Directors.
Here is their experience and how it inspired local outdoor education
through the eyes of Angelina Coble, Education Department.
Angelina Coble & Matsay the Museum
Education Coyote setting up camp for the night |
Inspiration from the Great Outdoors
We spent the night at the Black Canyon Group Campground in the Mojave
National Preserve along with over 100 other visitors. We were able to admire
and take in the night sky, planets, and constellations through high-powered
telescopes provided by experienced and skilled astronomers. For some of us it
was the first time we had ever gazed at the rings of Saturn!
We took turns looking through the telescopes and sitting around the
campfire enjoying the atmosphere of like-minded people, who understand and
appreciate the awe and grandeur of desert landscapes. During the evening when
David was addressing the crowd and thanking everyone for being part of the
celebration he mentioned the importance of keeping the night as dark as
possible: "we don't want Wi-Fi out here, we don't want our phones to have
service out here. We want to preserve the ability to view the night sky without
obstructions and distractions.” Another visitor added, "the night sky
doesn't belong to the desert, the desert belongs to the night sky."
Edgar Bernal Sevilla in dense forest of
Joshua Trees, Mojave National Preserve
The next morning Todd Seuss, superintendent of Joshua Tree National Park,
and his spouse Jackie led a hike on the Teutonia Peak Trail where we were able
to experience a dense landscape of Joshua Trees. When we reached the peak of the trail Todd mentioned how much
it meant to him to see so many young people (many high school and college
students from L.A. seeing the dark skies and desert beauty for the first time)
surrounding the campfire the previous evening.
Our hopes and efforts are to continue the conservation and preservation
of these lands for the next hundred years, and the only way we can make this
possible is through education. As part of the museum’s education staff it is my
responsibility to impart to the next generation the importance of caring after
and protecting our local desert. As Robin Dodge, secretary of the museum's
board of directors said: “We cannot teach you these experiences." This
makes me aware that the best way to educate a child in conservation and
preservation is by giving them an
experience. When a child walks through this museum, I want their visit to
impact them for years to come. My dream is to host field trips for future
archaeologists, botanists, historians, environmental advocates, and workers in
the preservation and conservation field.
Angelina Coble explaining geology to Lexi
Romo. IVDM permanent exhibit
I have this opportunity everyday with my 7 year old niece, Lexi, whom I
currently have guardianship over and home school. She often comes with me to
the museum where she is free to roam through the exhibits and look at them
without any time constraints. She is in my closest realm of influence, and I
have the ability to raise a pioneer to help lead the way to the next 100 years
of preservation and conservation!
Thank you David Lamfrom,
Todd Seuss, as well as all of those that were involved with putting the event
together and allowing us the privilege to experience the beauty you are daily
surrounded by and continually work to protect.
Dr. Robert Wishner, Cory Landeros, David
Lamfrom, Robin Dodge, Edgar Bernal Sevilla, Marcie Rodriguez, & Angelina
Coble enjoying Mojave National Preserve